Checkout or add more course/s for yourself or another student.
A1.1 | Holiday Course
During these fun and dynamic one-week courses, high school students are encouraged to consolidate learning and build confidence in a friendly and supportive environment. This is the time to gain a competitive advantage for your exams - including HSC, IB and DELF Junior – as you strengthen your skills in the four core areas (listening, reading, writing and speaking), brush up on vocabulary and conversational topics, and get a hand on those sticky grammar points including:
- Gender and number of nouns
- Gender and number of adjectives
- Personal pronouns
- Use of the present tense
- Use of the imperative tense
- Question constructions
Pace: Holiday | 3 hours per day
A1.2 | Holiday Course
During these fun and dynamic one-week courses, high school students are encouraged to consolidate learning and build confidence in a
friendly and supportive environment. This is the time to gain a competitive advantage for your exams - including HSC, IB and DELF Junior –
as you strengthen your skills in the four core areas (listening, reading, writing and speaking), brush up on vocabulary and conversational
topics, and get a hand on those sticky grammar points.
Is this level right for me?
This course is for students in their second year of French (typically, Year 8).
Students in this level are assumed to have:
- Studied different ways of asking questions.
- Studied articles (E.g., le cours, une classe, du lait).
- Studied 'la négation' (E.g., ne...pas,, ne...jamais ).
- A good command of near future (E.g., Je vais parler.).
- Studied the present continuous (E.g., Je suis en train de parler.).
Pace: Holiday | 3 hours per day
A2 | Holiday Course
During these fun and dynamic one-week courses, high school students are encouraged to consolidate learning and build confidence in a
friendly and supportive environment. This is the time to gain a competitive advantage for your exams - including HSC, IB and DELF Junior –
as you strengthen your skills in the four core areas (listening, reading, writing and speaking), brush up on vocabulary and conversational
topics, and get a hand on those sticky grammar points.
Is this level right for me
This course is for students in their third or fourth year of French (typically, Year 9 or Year 10).
Students in this level are assumed to have:
- Studied 'passé composé' and its agreements (reflexive, avoir, être).
- Knowledge of 'la comparaison' (E.g., / / Plus...que / Moins...que).
- Studied 'depuis’ / ‘il y a'.
- Studied 'COD/COI' pronouns (E.g., Je les vois bien / Je lui parle).
- Knowledge of pronouns ‘y’ / ‘en' (E.g., J'y vais / J'en viens).
Pace: Holiday | 3 hours per day
B1 | Holiday Course
During these fun and dynamic one-week courses, high school students are encouraged to consolidate learning and build confidence in a
friendly and supportive environment. This is the time to gain a competitive advantage for your exams - including HSC, IB and DELF Junior –
as you strengthen your skills in the four core areas (listening, reading, writing and speaking), brush up on vocabulary and conversational
topics, and get a hand on those sticky grammar points.
Is this level right for me?
This course is for students in their fourth or fifth year of French (typically, Year 10 or Year 11).
Students in this level are assumed to have:
- A good command of 'passé composé'.
- Studied the 'imparfait' (E.g., Je parlais).
- A good command of present tense for all verbs.
- Studied the ‘superlatif’ (E.g., / Moins... de / Autant...que....)
- A good command of relative pronouns (E.g., qui, que, dont, où).
Pace: Holiday | 3 hours per day
B2 | Holiday Course
During these fun and dynamic one-week courses, high school students are encouraged to consolidate learning and build confidence in a
friendly and supportive environment. This is the time to gain a competitive advantage for your exams - including HSC, IB and DELF Junior –
as you strengthen your skills in the four core areas (listening, reading, writing and speaking), brush up on vocabulary and conversational
topics, and get a hand on those sticky grammar points.
Is this level right for me?
This course is for students who have studied French for five or more years (typically, Year 12).
Students in this level are assumed to have:
- Confidence using the passé composé.
- Ability to use the ‘imparfait’ correctly and with confidence.
- Knowledge of the 'plus-que- parfait' ? (E.g., J'avais parlé.).
- Studied the ‘pronoms relatifs simples et complexes’.
- Studied indirect speech (E.g., Il dit qu'il s'inscrira demain.).
Pace: Holiday | 3 hours per day
A1.1 | Term Course
Hooray! You've decided to learn French. You're at the outset of a wonderful journey that will bring great delight and open many doors and opportunities as you forge your path in this world.
Throughout the year in this course, crafted to nurture a deep appreciation of French culture and build the foundations for communicating confidently in French, you will learn to:
- Introduce yourself (Je m’appelle Chloe.)
- Ask basic questions (Tu es en quelle classe?)
- Talk about likes and dislikes (J’adore le français mais je n’aime pas l’histoire moderne.)
- Describe someone’s physical appearance (Il a les cheveux longs et des yeux verts.)
- Talk about sports, family and friends (Nous faisons du rugby. J'ai deux frères et une soeur.)
- Talk about upcoming holidays (Je vais partir en France pour visiter le Mont Saint Michel.)
The required textbooks are: Adomania 1 livre and cahier
Pace: Once a week | 1hr 45min - lesson [Teens Term Courses]
A1.2 | Term Course
Bravo! Your hard work in building a solid foundation in French is paying off, and now you’re ready to diver deeper into this beautiful language and culture.
Throughout the year in this course, crafted to nurture a deep appreciation of French culture and build the foundations for communicating confidently in French while helping you get unstuck on those trickier grammar points, you will learn to:
- Talk about the city you live in and modes of transport for moving around
- Discuss food and nutrition
- Have conversations about your friendships and other’s character traits
- Talk about current news items and media
- Recount past holidays and present future projects using the ‘passé compose’ and ‘futur simple’
- Talk about the environment and animals
The required textbooks are: Adomania 2, livre and cahier.
Pace: Once a week | 1hr 45min - lesson [Teens Term Courses]
A2 | Term Course
The puzzle pieces are really starting to fall into place, and you can see yourself making good progress in French.
Throughout the year in this course, crafted to nurture a deep appreciation of French culture and build the foundations for communicating confidently in French while helping you get unstuck on those trickier grammar points, you will learn to:
- Discuss your preferred hobbies and your close friendships
- Compare past and present situations using the ‘imparfait’
- Appreciate and discuss facets of art and culture
- Make comparisons between objects, innovations and technologies
- Discuss the environment and consumption
- Talk about food and gastronomy
The required textbooks are: Adomania 3, livre and cahier
Pace: Once a week | 1hr 45min - lesson [Teens Term Courses]
B1.1 | Term Course
Let’s spark some healthy debate over the place and influence of social media, while looking at current trends and issues pertaining to young people.
Throughout the year in this course, crafted to nurture a deep appreciation of French culture and empower you to communicate confidently in French, you will overcome challenging grammar points and learn to:
- Discuss the pros and cons of social media, as well as causes and consequences
- Talk about past events and experiences
- Describe trends in fashion and give style advice
- Hold conversations about talents, success and sport
- Share your opinion, make suggestions and discuss hypothetical situations
The required textbooks are: Adomania 4, livre and cahier
Pace: Once a week | 1hr 45min - lesson [Teens Term Courses]
B1.2 | Term Course
You’re moving from strength to strength in your French studies, and are communicating with increased fluency with each passing week.
Throughout the year in this course, crafted to nurture a deep appreciation of French culture and empower you to communicate confidently in French, you will overcome challenging grammar points and learn to:
- Discuss how technology has changed and evolved in recent decades
- Debate your opinions on issues in the news (including fake news)
- Hold conversations about your current work and your professional career aspirations
- Talk about future innovations and other science fiction ideas
- Use the ‘subjonctif’ and various past tenses with confidence
The required textbooks are: Adomania 4, livre and cahier
Pace: Once a week | 1hr 45min - lesson [Teens Term Courses]
B2.1 | Term Course
You’re now an “Upper-Intermediate” user of French, and are becoming more and more independent with each passing day.
Throughout the year in this course, crafted to nurture a deep appreciation of French culture and empower you to communicate confidently in French, you will overcome challenging grammar points and learn to:
- Make strong, logical and coherent arguments in French
- Analyse extracts from books, lyrics and film
- Discuss abstract concepts such as “freedom”, pulling information from the news to discover how understandings have evolved over time
- Debate pros and cons of the internet and its impact on society
- Compose simple and informative texts, including about scientific and technological advancements
- Provide a comprehensive summary of a text, including elements of nuance and finer details
The required textbooks are: # La Classe B2 livre et cahier d'activités
Pace: Once a week | 1hr 45min - lesson [Teens Term Courses]
B2.2 | Term Course
Chapeau! Your hard work and dedication have brought you to the end of the intermediate level. You’re able to express yourself
clearly and rather confidently in French, and are now driven to further hone your skills and enhance your vocabulary.
Throughout the year in this course, crafted to nurture a deep appreciation of French culture and empower you to communicate effortlessly in French, you will overcome challenging grammar points and learn to:
- Analyse the meanings, symbols and styles of images and literary texts
- Become comfortable using figures of speech
- Write a well-structured, coherent and impactful introduction and conclusion
- Debate the concept of money and its place in our society
- Explore the concept of “happiness”
- Trace the major economic crises that have occurred throughout history
The required textbooks are: #La Classe B2 livre et cahier d'activités
Pace: Once a week | 1hr 45min - lesson [Teens Term Courses]