Dive into French culture and language with our curated list of engaging YouTube channels and interesting podcasts.
Dive into French culture and language with our curated list of engaging YouTube channels and interesting podcasts.
Join a personalised and engaging French learning experience today!
Embark on a personalised French learning journey with Alliance Française de Sydney. Enjoy flexible online courses with native, qualified
teachers, tailored guidance, and a supportive community. Learn not only the language but also French culture. Join us today!
Join Sydney's leading French language and cultural centre today.
With nearly 4,000 students and over 55,000
cultural event attendees annually, Alliance Française de Sydney is a global leader in French language education. We offer dynamic French
lessons and cultural events, inspiring a lifelong passion for the French language.
Discover the top French words searched on Le Robert this year
The Le Robert online dictionary reveals the most searched words of 2023, from "wokisme" to "jaculatoire." These terms reflect key events and
trends, showcasing the evolving language shaped by global moments. What will 2024 bring?
Addressing barriers to language learning and bilingualism in Australia
Despite the cognitive benefits of bilingualism, Australia’s language learning rates remain low. With cultural attitudes, limited language
programs, and a shortage of qualified teachers, it's time to consider compulsory language learning to improve bilingualism.
How learning a second language can boost your brain function and longevity
Learning a second language, like
Spanish, can significantly benefit your brain by improving cognitive flexibility and delaying Alzheimer’s onset. Studies show bilingualism
enhances brain resilience, keeps it engaged, and fosters social interaction, offering lifelong mental stimulation.
Dive into France's literary season with new titles and prizes
La rentrée littéraire is France's annual literary rush, with over 500 new books released in late August to November. During this period,
major literary prizes like the Prix Goncourt and Prix Femina are awarded. Join Alliance Française de Sydney to enjoy free access to new
French titles.
Stay updated with the latest French vocabulary of 2021
The French language is constantly evolving, and new words emerge each year. The Petit Robert dictionary has released its list of 2021's
newest terms, reflecting shifts in technology, culture, and lifestyle. Keep your vocabulary fresh and current by learning these updates.