EARLY BIRD | Enrol before midnight, Friday 2 May.

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A1 Beginner

A1.1 | Comprehensive

Standard Courses

Bienvenue beginners! So, you've decided to learn French. You're a complete beginner, and are full of enthusiasm for taking your first steps into a new language and culture. Our immersive method of teaching involves guiding the class entirely en français from the start. This will help you master the basics quickly and build a strong foundation from day one!

In this course, you’ll learn the basics including:

  • Greetings and introductions (Bonjour, je m'appelle Jean)
  • How to interact with others in the classroom (Pouvez-vous répéter s'il vous plait? Merci!)
  • A digestible intro to the fundamentals of French grammar, including verbs (action words) and nouns (people, places and things)
  • Communicating using numbers  (Une baguette, deux croissants et trois chouquettes s’il vous plait.)

Pace: Standard | 4 hours per week

A1.1 | Comprehensive

Easy Going Courses

Bienvenue beginners! So, you've decided to learn French. You're a complete beginner, and are full of enthusiasm for taking your first steps into a new language and culture. Our immersive method of teaching involves guiding the class entirely en français from the start. This will help you master the basics quickly and build a strong foundation from day one!

In this course, you’ll learn the basics including:

  • Greetings and introductions (Bonjour, je m'appelle Jean)
  • How to interact with others in the classroom (Pouvez-vous répéter s'il vous plait? Merci!)
  • A digestible intro to the fundamentals of French grammar, including verbs (action words) and nouns (people, places and things)
  • Communicating using numbers  (Une baguette, deux croissants et trois chouquettes s’il vous plait.)

Pace: Easy Going | 2 hours per week

A1.2 | Comprehensive

Standard Courses

With the basics under your belt, you're ready to delve deeper into the wide world of French. This immersive course, with a focus on travel, guides the class entirely en français from the start and will have you navigating your way around the city in French in no time as you learn to :

  • Expand your vocabulary to describe yourself and your family in greater detail (Mes parents sont attentionnés.)
  • Ask questions
  • Communicate your likes and dislikes (J’aime le champagne mais pas les escargots.)
  • Indicate your destination (Je veux aller au musée.)
  • Ask for directions (C’est dans quelle direction, la gare ?)
  • Describe your mode of transport (Je prends le train.)

Pace: Standard | 4 hours per week

A1.2 | Comprehensive

Easy Going Courses

With the basics under your belt, you're ready to delve deeper into the wide world of French. This immersive course, with a focus on travel, guides the class entirely en français from the start and will have you navigating your way around the city in French in no time as you learn to :

  • Expand your vocabulary to describe yourself and your family in greater detail (Mes parents sont attentionnés.)
  • Ask questions
  • Communicate your likes and dislikes (J’aime le champagne mais pas les escargots.)
  • Indicate your destination (Je veux aller au musée.)
  • Ask for directions (C’est dans quelle direction, la gare ?)
  • Describe your mode of transport (Je prends le train.)

Pace: Easy Going | 2 hours per week
A1 Essentials

A1 | Essentials Workshop


A1 Essentials will help you revise the key grammar points of the A1 level course, practice your speaking skills with A1-level material, and refine your accent with focussed attention to the basic sounds and phonemes in French.

Whether you are at the beginning or the end of A1 Beginners level, you can attend this workshop as a means of revision and consolidation or as preparation ahead of your usual class.

Pace: One-off | 3-hours workshop
A1 French for Travellers

A1 | French for Travellers


Pack your bags and take your passport!
Get holiday-ready with this focussed course designed to prepare you to travel around the Francophone world with confidence.

In this course, you will learn to:

  • Book a stay at the hotel of your dreams:
    "Je voudrais réserver une chambre pour deux personnes, s’il vous plaît."
  • Order a mouth-watering meal at an exquisite restaurant:
    "J’aimerais un verre de Côte du Rhône et un plat du jour, s’il vous plaît."
  • Find your way to the next museum:
    "Excusez-moi, comment aller au musée du Louvre?"
  • Ask for information to help you choose your next activity:
    "Combien coûte l'activité cuisine, s'il vous plaît ?"
  • Make friends and learn how to introduce yourself:
    "Bonjour! Je m’appelle Kévin Garnier, et vous?"

Pace: Once a week | 2-hour lesson [French For travellers]
A2 Conversation (Elementary)

A2 | Conversation


In this course, improve and enhance your speaking and listening skills through lively discussions and meaningful conversations covering a wide array of topical issues, stimulated and supported by articles and videos from the French press.

Pace: Once a week | 2-hour lesson [Conversation Courses]
A2 Elementary

A2.1 | Comprehensive

Standard Courses

You've been building a solid foundation in French, and now it's time to get conversational. This immersive course, with a focus on daily life, guides the class entirely en français from the start and will teach you to:

  • Communicate about your routine (Je me réveille à 8h00.)
  • Chat about your work and its requirements (Je travaille de la maison, c'est pratique.)
  • Organise outings in French, suggesting various activities and negotiating meeting times (Retrouvons-nous à 16h pour faire du sport?)
  • Accepting or refusing someone else's invitation (Merci mais je suis trop occupé pour participer.)

Pace: Standard | 4 hours per week

A2.1 | Comprehensive

Easy Going Courses

You've been building a solid foundation in French, and now it's time to get conversational. This immersive course, with a focus on daily life, guides the class entirely en français from the start and will teach you to:

  • Communicate about your routine (Je me réveille à 8h00.)
  • Chat about your work and its requirements (Je travaille de la maison, c'est pratique.)
  • Organise outings in French, suggesting various activities and negotiating meeting times (Retrouvons-nous à 16h pour faire du sport?)
  • Accepting or refusing someone else's invitation (Merci mais je suis trop occupé pour participer.)

Pace: Easy Going | 2 hours per week

A2.2 | Comprehensive

Standard Courses

Buckle up – we're going back to the future and around the Francophone world! In this immersive course, guided entirely en français from the start, you will learn to :

  • Talk about memories from the past (Je suis allée en France en 2016.)
  • Plan for the near and distant future (Je vais bientôt déménager. Nous saurons bientôt qui a gagné.)
  • Plan for travel in a French-speaking country (Nous allons à Nouméa. Quel est le meilleur hôtel ?)
  • Appreciate French literature and media
  • Give general advice to others (Tu dois porter un chapeau pour te protéger du soleil.)
  •  Express your feelings and opinions (Je suis heureuse.)

Pace: Standard | 4 hours per week

A2.2 | Comprehensive

Easy Going Courses

Buckle up – we're going back to the future and around the Francophone world! In this immersive course, guided entirely en français from the start, you will learn to :

  • Talk about memories from the past (Je suis allée en France en 2016.)
  • Plan for the near and distant future (Je vais bientôt déménager. Nous saurons bientôt qui a gagné.)
  • Plan for travel in a French-speaking country (Nous allons à Nouméa. Quel est le meilleur hôtel ?)
  • Appreciate French literature and media
  • Give general advice to others (Tu dois porter un chapeau pour te protéger du soleil.)
  •  Express your feelings and opinions (Je suis heureuse.)

Pace: Easy Going | 2 hours per week

A2.3 | Comprehensive

Standard Courses

Continue to progress in leaps and bounds as you discover the richness of French food, fashion and cinema. In this immersive course, guided entirely en français from the start, you will:

  • Practice ordering your favourite French dishes (J'aimerais le coq au vin, s'il vous plait)
  • Rehearse typical shopping scenarios (Combien coûte cette jupe?)
  • Become confident leaving positive and negative feedback (Je n'ai pas du tout aimé cette expérience.)
  • Come to grips with key grammatical structures designed to make your French more sophisticated, including two different past tenses (Quand j'étais jeune, je suis allé en France) and pronouns to help avoid repetition in your speech (J'aime les croissants, j'en mange tous les matins.)

Pace: Standard | 4 hours per week

A2.3 | Comprehensive

Easy Going Courses

Continue to progress in leaps and bounds as you discover the richness of French food, fashion and cinema. In this immersive course, guided entirely en français from the start, you will:

  • Practice ordering your favourite French dishes (J'aimerais le coq au vin, s'il vous plait)
  • Rehearse typical shopping scenarios (Combien coûte cette jupe?)
  • Become confident leaving positive and negative feedback (Je n'ai pas du tout aimé cette expérience.)
  • Come to grips with key grammatical structures designed to make your French more sophisticated, including two different past tenses (Quand j'étais jeune, je suis allé en France) and pronouns to help avoid repetition in your speech (J'aime les croissants, j'en mange tous les matins.)

Pace: Easy Going | 2 hours per week

A2.4 | Comprehensive

Standard Courses

You're almost finished the Elementary program! This course wraps up the last of the A2 level, and prepares you to follow the Intermediate level courses. In this immersive course, guided entirely en français from the start, you will broaden your language skills with topics including travel and sports while:

  • Revising past tenses, ‘passé composé’ and ‘imparfait’ (Nous sommes allés à Bathurst. Il faisait très beau.)
  • Encountering two new pronouns, "qui" and "que"
  • Learning how to describe similarities and differences between a selection of things (La chemise rose est plus jolie que la jaune.)
  • Complexifying your speech with the formidable subjunctive mood (Il faut que j'y aille.)
  • Solidifying your bases with new tricks to recognise grammatical gender

Pace: Standard | 4 hours per week

A2.4 | Comprehensive

Easy Going Courses

You're almost finished the Elementary program! This course wraps up the last of the A2 level, and prepares you to follow the Intermediate level courses. In this immersive course, guided entirely en français from the start, you will broaden your language skills with topics including travel and sports while:

  • Revising past tenses, ‘passé composé’ and ‘imparfait’ (Nous sommes allés à Bathurst. Il faisait très beau.)
  • Encountering two new pronouns, "qui" and "que"
  • Learning how to describe similarities and differences between a selection of things (La chemise rose est plus jolie que la jaune.)
  • Complexifying your speech with the formidable subjunctive mood (Il faut que j'y aille.)
  • Solidifying your bases with new tricks to recognise grammatical gender

Pace: Easy Going | 2 hours per week
A2 Essentials

A2 | Essentials Workshop


A2 Essentials will help you revise the key grammar points of the A2 level course, practice your speaking skills with A2-level material, and refine your accent with focussed attention to the basic sounds and phonemes in French.

This workshop is designed as the perfect revision and consolidation of learning for students at the end of the A2 or start of the B1 levels. 

Pace: One-off | 3-hours workshop
B1 Conversation (Intermediate)

B1 | Conversation


In this course, improve and enhance your speaking and listening skills through lively discussions and meaningful conversations covering a wide array of topical issues, stimulated and supported by articles and videos from the French press.

Pace: Once a week | 2-hour lesson [Conversation Courses]

Conversation autour du cinéma français


In this continuation of Laurent Auclair's conversational course "J'fais mon cinéma",  you will pursue your exploration of French Cinema by delving into a brand new format. 

Watch full French films weekly and share your thoughts through engaging discussions. Deepen your understanding of film themes, directors, and actors. Enhance your French skills (conversation, writing and listening) while enjoying exclusive access to cinematic masterpieces!

All cultural discussions will be led in French, and film clips will be presented in French with English subtitles and discussed in class.
This workshop is suitable for students with B1.4 - C2 level only. 

To participate in this course, you’ll need internet access at home, as watching movies is a required component.

Pace: Series | 2 hours per week over 8 weeks
B1 Essentials

B1 | Essentials Workshop


B1 Essentials will help you revise the key grammar points of the B1 level course, practice and perfect your speaking skills with B1-level material, and hone your accent with focussed attention to the basic sounds and phonemes in French.

This workshop is designed as the perfect revision and consolidation of learning for students at the end of the B1 or start of the B2 levels.

Pace: One-off | 3-hours workshop
B1 Intermediate

B1.1 | Comprehensive

Standard Courses

You've done it - you are no longer a beginner learner of French and you're charging your way into the Intermediate courses. In this immersive course, guided entirely en français from the start, you will tackle: 

  • ‘Plus-que-parfait’ tense (J'avais eu un premier rendez-vous avec lui.)
  • Conditional tense (Je serais ravi de vous accueillir.)
  • Hypothetical constructions (Si vous rêvez de parler français, rejoignez l’Alliance Française.)
  • Asking questions using lequel/laquelle/lesquels/lesquelles
  • How to communicate in French in a professional setting, including talking about your work experience, identifying your skills and writing a CV

Pace: Standard | 4 hours per week

B1.1 | Comprehensive

Easy Going Courses

You've done it - you are no longer a beginner learner of French and you're charging your way into the Intermediate courses. In this immersive course, guided entirely en français from the start, you will tackle: 

  • ‘Plus-que-parfait’ tense (J'avais eu un premier rendez-vous avec lui.)
  • Conditional tense (Je serais ravi de vous accueillir.)
  • Hypothetical constructions (Si vous rêvez de parler français, rejoignez l’Alliance Française.)
  • Asking questions using lequel/laquelle/lesquels/lesquelles
  • How to communicate in French in a professional setting, including talking about your work experience, identifying your skills and writing a CV

Pace: Easy Going | 2 hours per week

B1.2 | Comprehensive

Standard Courses

With Intermediate 1 now behind you, you're ready to further your progress. Relish in the topics of cooking, cosmetics, vintage culture and "made in France", while exploring French stereotypes and the French education system. In this immersive course, guided entirely en français from the start, you will : 

  • Become well acquainted with two new pronouns, "" and "dont" and posessive pronouns (le mien, le tien)
  • Learn to talk about something that is ongoing (Je suis en train de faire….)
  • Polish your ability to talk about the recent past and close future (Je viens de boire un café et je vais acheter une baguette.)
  • Clarify any confusion you may have around more advanced uses of avoir in the past tense (Ces photos? Le client les a adorées. Ce voyage? Les clients l’ont adoré.)

Pace: Standard | 4 hours per week

B1.2 | Comprehensive

Easy Going Courses

With Intermediate 1 now behind you, you're ready to further your progress. Relish in the topics of cooking, cosmetics, vintage culture and "made in France", while exploring French stereotypes and the French education system. In this immersive course, guided entirely en français from the start, you will : 

  • Become well acquainted with two new pronouns, "" and "dont" and posessive pronouns (le mien, le tien)
  • Learn to talk about something that is ongoing (Je suis en train de faire….)
  • Polish your ability to talk about the recent past and close future (Je viens de boire un café et je vais acheter une baguette.)
  • Clarify any confusion you may have around more advanced uses of avoir in the past tense (Ces photos? Le client les a adorées. Ce voyage? Les clients l’ont adoré.)

Pace: Easy Going | 2 hours per week

B1.3 | Comprehensive

Standard Courses

Never has the past been clearer. In this immersive course, guided entirely en français from the start, you will : 

  • Revise the construction and use of all the past tenses in French
  • Discover topics including literature, ecology, news and media, and professional and volunteer work
  • Be introduced to the passive voice (Les livres ont été vendus.)
  • Deepen your knowledge of the conditional and the subjunctive

Pace: Standard | 4 hours per week

B1.4 | Comprehensive

Standard Courses

The puzzle pieces are really starting to fall into place as you progress through the intermediate level. In this immersive course, guided entirely en français from the start, you will : 

  • Explore immigration and how to navigate your way through the (in)famous French administration (Vous devez compléter ce formulaire et le remettre à la réception.)
  • Dive more deeply into the uses of the conditional and subjunctive
  • Learn to use the pronouns "où" and "dont" with confidence (C’est la fille dont je t’ai parlée.)
  • Reference what another person has said, without quoting them directly (Il m’a dit qu’il allait s’en occuper tout de suite.)

Pace: Standard | 4 hours per week

B1.5 | Comprehensive

Standard Courses

Your progress remains steady as you now near the end of the Intermediate level. In this immersive course, guided entirely en français from the start, is designed to help you refine your communicative skills in order to:

  • Suggest advice (Je vous recommande…)
  • Become emphatic and persuasive in your speech (Il faut absolument que tu ailles voir cette personne.)
  • Appear convincing in your arguments
  • Negotiate with poise, and make concessions and compromises

Pace: Standard | 4 hours per week

B1.5 | Comprehensive

Easy Going Courses

Your progress remains steady as you now near the end of the Intermediate level. In this immersive course, guided entirely en français from the start, is designed to help you refine your communicative skills in order to:

  • Suggest advice (Je vous recommande…)
  • Become emphatic and persuasive in your speech (Il faut absolument que tu ailles voir cette personne.)
  • Appear convincing in your arguments
  • Negotiate with poise, and make concessions and compromises

Pace: Easy Going | 2 hours per week

B1.6 | Comprehensive

Standard Courses

In this final Intermediate-level course, you will step into the world of the professional, with a particular focus on journalism. In this immersive course, guided entirely en français from the start, you will : 

  • Revise how to talk about two actions that are occurring simultaneously (Il travaille en écoutant de la musique.)
  • Recounting what somebody else has said (Ils ont expliqué que le magasin est fermé en début d'après-midi.)

Pace: Standard | 4 hours per week

B1.6 | Comprehensive

Easy Going Courses

In this final Intermediate-level course, you will step into the world of the professional, with a particular focus on journalism. In this immersive course, guided entirely en français from the start, you will : 

  • Revise how to talk about two actions that are occurring simultaneously (Il travaille en écoutant de la musique.)
  • Recounting what somebody else has said (Ils ont expliqué que le magasin est fermé en début d'après-midi.)

Pace: Easy Going | 2 hours per week

Conversation autour du cinéma français


In this continuation of Laurent Auclair's conversational course "J'fais mon cinéma",  you will pursue your exploration of French Cinema by delving into a brand new format. 

Watch full French films weekly and share your thoughts through engaging discussions. Deepen your understanding of film themes, directors, and actors. Enhance your French skills (conversation, writing and listening) while enjoying exclusive access to cinematic masterpieces!

All cultural discussions will be led in French, and film clips will be presented in French with English subtitles and discussed in class.
This workshop is suitable for students with B1.4 - C2 level only. 

To participate in this course, you’ll need internet access at home, as watching movies is a required component.

Pace: Series | 2 hours per week over 8 weeks
B2 Conversation (Upper Intermediate)

B2 | Conversation


In this course, improve and enhance your speaking and listening skills through lively discussions and meaningful conversations covering a wide array of topical issues, stimulated and supported by articles and videos from the French press.

Pace: Once a week | 2-hour lesson [Conversation Courses]

Conversation autour du cinéma français


In this continuation of Laurent Auclair's conversational course "J'fais mon cinéma",  you will pursue your exploration of French Cinema by delving into a brand new format. 

Watch full French films weekly and share your thoughts through engaging discussions. Deepen your understanding of film themes, directors, and actors. Enhance your French skills (conversation, writing and listening) while enjoying exclusive access to cinematic masterpieces!

All cultural discussions will be led in French, and film clips will be presented in French with English subtitles and discussed in class.
This workshop is suitable for students with B1.4 - C2 level only. 

To participate in this course, you’ll need internet access at home, as watching movies is a required component.

Pace: Series | 2 hours per week over 8 weeks
B2 Upper Intermediate

B2.1 | Comprehensive

Standard Courses

You’re now an “Upper-Intermediate” user of French, and are becoming more and more independent with each passing day. In this immersive course, guided entirely en français from the start, you will : 

  • Complexify your speech with lequel and auxquels (Ce sont les professionnels auxquels j’ai confié mon apprentissage.)
  • Be inspired by French innovation and technology
  • Cultivate an appreciation of art, music, ballet, musicals, literature and more

Pace: Standard | 4 hours per week

B2.1 | Comprehensive

Easy Going Courses

You’re now an “Upper-Intermediate” user of French, and are becoming more and more independent with each passing day. In this immersive course, guided entirely en français from the start, you will : 

  • Complexify your speech with lequel and auxquels (Ce sont les professionnels auxquels j’ai confié mon apprentissage.)
  • Be inspired by French innovation and technology
  • Cultivate an appreciation of art, music, ballet, musicals, literature and more

Pace: Easy Going | 2 hours per week

B2.2 | Comprehensive

Standard Courses

What’s not to love about food, holidays, culture, history and fashion? Dive into these topics and more in this immersive course, guided entirely en français from the start, designed to:

  • Further enrich your cultural knowledge and your language skills
  • Teach how to express predictions about the future or suppositions about something that may have happened in the past (Si je partais en France, je m’installerais certainement à Lyon / Il sera certainement tombé.)
  • Imbue confidence for making characterisations using specific language structures (En visitant les châteaux de la Loire, j’aurai l’occasion d’utiliser mon dictionnaire de français courant.)

Pace: Standard | 4 hours per week

B2.3 | Comprehensive

Easy Going Courses

Let’s spark some healthy debate over the greatest movies and series, while considering the place and influence of new technologies and social media. This immersive course, guided entirely en français from the start, will teach you to:

  • Make comparisons
  • Draw conclusions (En effet, parce que, c’est pourquoi)
  • Explain cause and effect
  • Use relative pronouns with confidence (Ceux-là, ils y vont avec moi.)

Pace: Easy Going | 2 hours per week

B2.5 | Comprehensive

Standard Courses

Bravo! You’ve earnt yourself a verre de vin for reaching this penultimate level of French. Before you embark on the Advanced courses, this immersive course, guided entirely en français from the start, will help you:

  • Complexify your speech with the structures to quote and paraphrase in the past and present tenses
  • Express your opinion with the subjunctive (Il est possible que je choisisse de m’installer en France.)
  • Use figures of speech to etch your way closer appearing like a native-speaker of French
  • Nominalisation (J’aime apprendre le français/ J’aime l’apprentissage du français)

Pace: Standard | 4 hours per week

Conversation autour du cinéma français


In this continuation of Laurent Auclair's conversational course "J'fais mon cinéma",  you will pursue your exploration of French Cinema by delving into a brand new format. 

Watch full French films weekly and share your thoughts through engaging discussions. Deepen your understanding of film themes, directors, and actors. Enhance your French skills (conversation, writing and listening) while enjoying exclusive access to cinematic masterpieces!

All cultural discussions will be led in French, and film clips will be presented in French with English subtitles and discussed in class.
This workshop is suitable for students with B1.4 - C2 level only. 

To participate in this course, you’ll need internet access at home, as watching movies is a required component.

Pace: Series | 2 hours per week over 8 weeks
C1-C2 Advanced to Proficient

C1-C2 | Comprehensive

Standard Courses

Félicitations ! Your dedication and hard work have led you to speak French as if it were your mother tongue. At this level, you can expect to:

  • Sharpen your grammatical knowledge
  • Fluidify your speech
  • Broaden your vocabulary over a vast range of topics
  • Engage with your peers in lively debates and conversations, using newspaper articles, videos and radio program extracts as stimulus

Pace: Standard | 4 hours per week

C1-C2 | Comprehensive

Easy Going Courses

Félicitations ! Your dedication and hard work have led you to speak French as if it were your mother tongue. At this level, you can expect to:

  • Sharpen your grammatical knowledge
  • Fluidify your speech
  • Broaden your vocabulary over a vast range of topics
  • Engage with your peers in lively debates and conversations, using newspaper articles, videos and radio program extracts as stimulus

Pace: Easy Going | 2 hours per week

Conversation autour du cinéma français


In this continuation of Laurent Auclair's conversational course "J'fais mon cinéma",  you will pursue your exploration of French Cinema by delving into a brand new format. 

Watch full French films weekly and share your thoughts through engaging discussions. Deepen your understanding of film themes, directors, and actors. Enhance your French skills (conversation, writing and listening) while enjoying exclusive access to cinematic masterpieces!

All cultural discussions will be led in French, and film clips will be presented in French with English subtitles and discussed in class.
This workshop is suitable for students with B1.4 - C2 level only. 

To participate in this course, you’ll need internet access at home, as watching movies is a required component.

Pace: Series | 2 hours per week over 8 weeks
C1/C2 Conversation (Advanced to Proficient)

C1-C2 | Conversation


In this course, improve and enhance your speaking and listening skills through lively discussions and meaningful conversations covering a wide array of topical issues, stimulated and supported by articles and videos from the French press.

Pace: Once a week | 2-hour lesson [Conversation Courses]

Conversation autour du cinéma français


In this continuation of Laurent Auclair's conversational course "J'fais mon cinéma",  you will pursue your exploration of French Cinema by delving into a brand new format. 

Watch full French films weekly and share your thoughts through engaging discussions. Deepen your understanding of film themes, directors, and actors. Enhance your French skills (conversation, writing and listening) while enjoying exclusive access to cinematic masterpieces!

All cultural discussions will be led in French, and film clips will be presented in French with English subtitles and discussed in class.
This workshop is suitable for students with B1.4 - C2 level only. 

To participate in this course, you’ll need internet access at home, as watching movies is a required component.

Pace: Series | 2 hours per week over 8 weeks
Professional Development

French made Fun for Kids | Short Course for Teachers


Make the most of limited class time and engage your younger learners with a French experience they will always remember. Fine-tune your repertoire of activities and resources to more effectively excite the interests and motivations of students up to 14 years, and optimise their knowledge retention, as you network with other passionate and specialised teachers.

Pace: Professional Development | 4 hours

HSC French Extension : a guide for teachers | Short Course for Teachers


Gain practical tools to embrace the new prescribed texts for the HSC French Extension.
Get creative and share ideas for dynamic, engaging, and effective teaching!

Pace: Professional Development | 3 hours

Perfecting French Accents | Short Course for Teachers

Fill your toolkit with the knowledge and strategies to hone your students' speaking and listening skills through the teaching of French phonetics and pronunciation. Covering the fundamentals such as the guttural 'r' and nasal sounds, liaisons and enchaînements, intonation and rhythm, this digestible course will empower you to develop in your students an authentic French accent and a trained ear. Develop this essential tool that will transform your teaching.
Pace: Professional Development | 3 hours

Prepare your student for the DELF Junior | Short Course for Teachers


Gain valuable guidance on effectively preparing your students for their DELF Junior exam success!
A certified expert from 'France Education International' will share all the essential tips and tricks necessary to ensure your students are well-prepared for success.
This workshop covers everything from recognizing common weaknesses and areas for improvement to gaining insight into examiner expectations at both A2 and B1 levels.
You will receive comprehensive training and access essential resources for the upcoming DELF exam.

Pace: Professional Development | 3 hours