Online French Courses

Learn French for life with the gold standard in online language learning

We are proud to bring you an award-winning remote learning experience that is every bit as interactive and enriching as an in-classroom course.

Our online course model is the gold standard, making use of multiple tools and supports to help you along your way, and keep you motivated and engaged.

Live classes via Zoom

Fewer students (12-13 students)

Additional self-paced content

Personalised Student Portal 

Dedicated tech support hotline

Learning French online Learning French online
Adolie Day illustration online French courses in Sydney with Alliance Francaise de Sydney

Interact with fellow classmates

Engage meaningfully with teachers

Immerse yourself fully in the French language

Take a closer look into our live online courses

During your live lessons, you'll interact with your teacher and classmates just as you would in the classroom. Using the various Zoom functions, including share screen, the chat, breakout rooms among others, your teacher will create a learning environment that rivals the on-site experience. 

Your Student Portal

Our purpose-built e-learning platform

Our Student Portal is a purpose-built e-learning platform. Here, students can receive additional feedback from teachers, collaborate with peers and complete self-paced modules outside of their live lessons. 

Apolean on personal learning device

Tech Support

To assist you in your online learning, we have established a tech support hotline. Should you experience any difficulties in navigating the tools for your online course, or connecting to your class, simply send us an email and our highly responsive team will contact you via phone or email to provide assistance.