Teens Holiday Courses 

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Get ahead these holidays

School holidays provide an excellent opportunity to rest, recharge and prepare for what’s ahead.

Our fun and dynamic one-week courses offer the perfect opportunity for high-school students to reinforce their learning while building confidence in a friendly and supportive environment.

It's a chance to gain a competitive edge for school exams, including HSC and IB, by brushing up on key grammar, vocabulary, and conversational topics, all brought to life through interactive activities and exercises, that make learning a breeze.

Secure your spot now and set the stage for academic success!

Consolidate your learning and get ahead

12-hour course

All levels: A1-B2

6-16 students per class onsite

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Holiday A1.1

A1.1 | Holiday Course

Teenager Holiday Courses

During these fun and dynamic one-week courses, high school students are encouraged to consolidate learning and build confidence in a friendly and supportive environment. This is the time to gain a competitive advantage for your exams - including HSC, IB and DELF Junior – as you strengthen your skills in the four core areas (listening, reading, writing and speaking), brush up on vocabulary and conversational topics, and get a hand on those sticky grammar points including:


  • Gender and number of nouns
  • Gender and number of adjectives
  • Personal pronouns
  • Use of the present tense
  • Use of the imperative tense
  • Question constructions

Pace: Holiday | 3 hours per day
Holiday A1.2

A1.2 | Holiday Course

Teenager Holiday Courses

During these fun and dynamic one-week courses, high school students are encouraged to consolidate learning and build confidence in a friendly and supportive environment. This is the time to gain a competitive advantage for your exams - including HSC, IB and DELF Junior – as you strengthen your skills in the four core areas (listening, reading, writing and speaking), brush up on vocabulary and conversational topics, and get a hand on those sticky grammar points.

Is this level right for me? 

This course is for students in their second year of French (typically, Year 8).
Students in this level are assumed to have:

  • Studied different ways of asking questions.
  • Studied articles (E.g., le cours, une classe, du lait).
  • Studied 'la négation' (E.g., ne...pas, ne...plus, ne...jamais ).
  • A good command of near future (E.g., Je vais parler.).
  • Studied the present continuous (E.g., Je suis en train de parler.).

Pace: Holiday | 3 hours per day
Holiday A2

A2 | Holiday Course

Teenager Holiday Courses

During these fun and dynamic one-week courses, high school students are encouraged to consolidate learning and build confidence in a friendly and supportive environment. This is the time to gain a competitive advantage for your exams - including HSC, IB and DELF Junior – as you strengthen your skills in the four core areas (listening, reading, writing and speaking), brush up on vocabulary and conversational topics, and get a hand on those sticky grammar points.

Is this level right for me
This course is for students in their third or fourth year of French (typically, Year 9 or Year 10).
Students in this level are assumed to have:

  • Studied 'passé composé' and its agreements (reflexive, avoir, être).
  • Knowledge of 'la comparaison' (E.g., Plus...de / Moins...de / Plus...que / Moins...que).
  • Studied 'depuis’ / ‘il y a'.
  • Studied 'COD/COI' pronouns (E.g., Je les vois bien / Je lui parle).
  • Knowledge of pronouns ‘y’ / ‘en'  (E.g., J'y vais / J'en viens).

Pace: Holiday | 3 hours per day
Holiday B1

B1 | Holiday Course

Teenager Holiday Courses

During these fun and dynamic one-week courses, high school students are encouraged to consolidate learning and build confidence in a friendly and supportive environment. This is the time to gain a competitive advantage for your exams - including HSC, IB and DELF Junior – as you strengthen your skills in the four core areas (listening, reading, writing and speaking), brush up on vocabulary and conversational topics, and get a hand on those sticky grammar points.

Is this level right for me? 
This course is for students in their fourth or fifth year of French (typically, Year 10 or Year 11).
Students in this level are assumed to have:

  • A good command of 'passé composé'.
  • Studied the 'imparfait' (E.g., Je parlais).
  • A good command of present tense for all verbs.
  • Studied the ‘superlatif’ (E.g., Plus...de / Moins... de / Autant...que....)
  • A good command of relative pronouns (E.g., qui, que, dont, ).

Pace: Holiday | 3 hours per day
Holiday B2

B2 | Holiday Course

Teenager Holiday Courses

During these fun and dynamic one-week courses, high school students are encouraged to consolidate learning and build confidence in a friendly and supportive environment. This is the time to gain a competitive advantage for your exams - including HSC, IB and DELF Junior – as you strengthen your skills in the four core areas (listening, reading, writing and speaking), brush up on vocabulary and conversational topics, and get a hand on those sticky grammar points.

Is this level right for me?
This course is for students who have studied French for five or more years (typically, Year 12).
Students in this level are assumed to have:

  • Confidence using the passé composé.
  • Ability to use the ‘imparfait’ correctly and with confidence.
  • Knowledge of the 'plus-que- parfait' ? (E.g., J'avais parlé.).
  • Studied the ‘pronoms relatifs simples et complexes’.
  • Studied indirect speech (E.g., Il dit qu'il s'inscrira demain.).

Pace: Holiday | 3 hours per day

Order This Course

$359.00 AUD

or 4 payments of $89.75 with
Code: 2025 T2 HC A1 TN 2 ONSITE

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